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Love Yourself First

  • A lot of times we want to be in relationships but it never works out. We can say I love you to we are blue in the face. But If our actions don't line up with what we say, it means nothing. We can be geniune about it, but there is a saying that says action speaks louder than words. The keyword is action. The reason why we have problems showing it, is because we been hurt so much till we don't know how to love. We want to but its so hard. When you are told you are nothing, you will never be nothing, or anything else to that affect, it tends to stick to your mind a nd you start believing it. If told too much, it can cause you to not even know who you are. Many people are in that state now. Being in a relationship like that is toxic. Love should not cost you having low self esteem or even your life. 

    When we first became adults, the first thing we should have done was focus on self, and get into relationships. We should have been learning about ourselves, knowing what we like and don't like about ourselves, so we can work on things that need changing. We get so lonely and want a companion and start moving too fast. Even as teenagers, we grew up not loving ourselves because of the environments we were in at  home.  For me, I didn't grow up in a loving home. I grew up being abused physically, verbally and sexually. My parents abused me verbally and pysically. If I heard the words I love you, it was not geniune. With my mother it was always material things, my father never told me he loved me. Then to top it off, being sexually abused by a man that knew me since I was a child. It was a miracle I was even born. As I grew up, Every negative word that was spoken over me I believed, and started saying that was who I was. Somehow I knew how to love. I got into a relationship and was pregnant at 18. we both was homeless, but I knew how to love him and do what a woman is supposed to. I loved him even when he abused me. I don't even know how, but I got up the strength to leave, and started just loving me. I started speaking positive things to myself, telling myself I am not stupid, I am somebody. I started to accomplish things that I needed to accomplish.

    Learn to love yourself. How do you do that? Take pride in yourself. Do things that you like. Don't settle for anything less. Know your worth. You are worth more than what people think. Do not let people determine what you are worth. Speak positive things into yourself. the more you say it, how you was thinking in your mind will change. Treat yourself. Don't let anybody speak negative words to you. Surround yourself with like minded people. People that will push you to higher heights. Stay away from people who just want to have pitty parties. People who don't want to see you do good for yourself, people who get jealous. Be around people that will celebrate you. Step out and explore. You would be surprised at what you can do, when you step out. 

    Just know that you are somebody, You can do anything that you set out to do. Don't stop and keep going. I hope this helped somebody. I want to see everybody happy and doing things that makes you feel good. Remember to love yourself first.


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